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※ Download: The gospel comes with a house key

Cuz that's my kind of hospitality. The Gospel Comes with a H ouse Key is both a theology of hospitality and a practical how-to in the form of stories.

If you'd like to borrow my copy, you'll find a lot of marginal backtalk. I know that she practices what she preaches, and practices it very well. Map out goals and values.

Everything endorsed by + response + - The book will inspire you and leave you with a notebook filled with ideas for how to practically engage your neighbors with the welcome of the gospel. This is flat wrong.

Scripture calls disciples of Jesus to be hospitable and to show hospitality Rom. It has to do with loving others and being kind to them in the name of Christ. Quite a few books have been written about this. One of the newer ones is called. Here are a few of my thoughts on it. First, this is not a book that digs into detailed biblical teaching about hospitality. Second, this book is a collection of stories about a Christian woman who showed hospitality to many people over the years. Some of the stories are quite fascinating! Therefore the hospitality in this book is very unique as well. But it is worth remembering that every Christian has different gifts, different callings, different situations in life and can show hospitality in much different ways than this book shows. The hospitality in this book is good and biblical, but there are quite a few others ways to be hospitable in a good and biblical manner. Fourth, I have to admit some of the jargon in this book was annoying to me. For one thing, the hospitality in this book was no t ordinary! All in all, this is a decent book on Christian hospitality. But if you want to have your Christian view of hospitality stretched, get it!


Each neighbor can recall how we all saw our life flash before our eyes the first time we met Tank, bounding toward us at full throttle. They blessed her with hospitality. Rosaria Butterfield is just such a voice for God in our time. Most concerning is the lack of time set apart to have quality time with her husband and children. I will read it again someday. Read to be reminded and moved to do something, to do more, if you can. In this book, Rosaria describes how the good news of the gospel not only meets our deepest needs but transforms us into cohosts who invite others to meet Jesus. I wonder how different our homes, churches, and culture would look if we took it to heart. In his garage he always had the knick- knack one might need: a small flashlight to attach to a reflector vest for a night run, a hook that could hold doggie bags to the leash. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables A few months ago, Mark Wahlberg posted his daily schedule on Instagram—beginning with prayer at 2:45 am how many Christians can say that they do that. She draws the reader along with story after story of how regularly having people in the home opens up an expectation that no topic is off-limits. I wonder how different our homes, churches, and culture would look if we took it to heart.